Daily Archives: January 23, 2011

A Drop To … (Microfiction Monday #67)

“Havin’ fun, dude? Sittin’ there wit’ yer Photoshop an’ yankin’ the colors outa pictures? I oughta have ya arrested.” “Fer what?” “Fer torturin’ pixels.” “Since when is that a crime, dude?” “Since the US Constitution, dude. No cruel and unusual … Continue reading

Posted in Dude and Dude, humor, writing | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

TSA Jack: Noise Pollution

“OK everybody, here he comes. Ready? One, two, three … “HI, JACK!!” “Damitri, you are insubordinate!” “Am not. I’m in Seattle, same as you.” “Argh. Right. Who trained you?” “You did.” “And I might forgive myself for it, one day … Continue reading

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