Tag Archives: rainbows

Dude and Dude: Prism Sentence

“Didya catch it, dude?!?” “Afta I got my flu shots like ever’body’s been screamin’ at me ta do? I damn well hope not!” “Not tha germs, dude! Tha unicorn!” “… tha whut?” “Tha unicorn, dude! How couldya have missed it?” … Continue reading

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Amoeba’s Lorica: The Bluebirds of …

If pretty little bluebirds fly beyond the rainbow … Bird: “Dammit, Blue, how much farther?!?” Blue: “Shut up and keep flapping.” Bird: “But for why? I’m flappin’ as hard as I can, and I ain’t gainin’ no altitude. An’ that … Continue reading

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A Drop To … (Microfiction Monday #67)

“Havin’ fun, dude? Sittin’ there wit’ yer Photoshop an’ yankin’ the colors outa pictures? I oughta have ya arrested.” “Fer what?” “Fer torturin’ pixels.” “Since when is that a crime, dude?” “Since the US Constitution, dude. No cruel and unusual … Continue reading

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