Tag Archives: Microsoft

AI: Election Results

A work of fiction. Standard disclaimers – especially about ‘resemblances to real people or entities for satirical purposes, or coincidental’. Why should we abandon a system that satisfies our people in order to introduce a system [elected democracy] that seems … Continue reading

Posted in Amoeba's Lorica, fiction, politics, satire, We the People | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Screwtape The Third: Computing R Us

“Wormsap, you’re looking positively diabolical. What’s up?” “Well, sir, it is that most devilish time of year.” “Yes, yes. All those devout, sanctimonious Christians raging on about how eggs are really Lucifer’s testicles [snort!], and they can’t even figure out … Continue reading

Posted in computers, satire, Screwtape III | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Dude and Dude Fly United

“We do not!!” “Yeah? You haven’t flown coach lately, have you, dude? ‘Intimate’ doesn’t begin to describe it.” “Ew. How much for first class?” “More than your payperblaug can afford, dude. It’s a crowded world. You want to breathe, you … Continue reading

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