Category Archives: employment

Dude and Dude: Balancing Ack

Dude walks into his pad one fine morning, after a stroll (where else) on the beach, to find &Dude sitting in a chair, when he expected him to be, er, somewhere else … “Dude! Wtf? What’re you doin’ here?” “I, … Continue reading

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Reg and Syd: Productivism

Reg: “So, Syd, how are your investments in artificial intelligence coming along?” Syd: “Not as well as I’d like. We’re not close to being able to replace our human employees with machines, never mind the super-smart and wise ones that … Continue reading

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Amoeba’s Lorica: Whom Fortune Favors

In that realm there was a young hunter and the hunter had a horse that was a horse of power. It belonged to the men of long ago, a swift horse with a broad chest, eyes of fire and hoofs … Continue reading

Posted in Amoeba's Lorica, employment, personal thoughts | Tagged , , , , | 6 Comments