Category Archives: health

AI: The Empire’s New Clothes

A work of fiction – so far. Standard disclaimers. George hurried to clean up after his meager breakfast and start in on his two-mile hike to work. He was anxious on the morning after sabbath, as usual, because, as usual, … Continue reading

Posted in AI, Amoeba's Lorica, health, satire, We the People | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

He and She: The Neuropath Less Traveled

She: “Pain.” He: “Sorry, I can’t see through it.” She: “I’d like to see my way through to the end of it, I’ll tell you!” He: “Word. Where does it hurt?” She: “I don’t know.” He: “[…]” She: “Don’t you roll your … Continue reading

Posted in He and She, health, humor | Tagged , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Dude and Dude: Flu Id

“Dude?” “Yeah?” “haa … aaaa … aaaaaa …. aaaahCHOOO!!“ “Still ain’t funny, dude.” “Dam’ straight it ain’t funny, dude. Happy positive antigen test ta you, too!“ “Ya pretty much made sure a that just now, dude. That, an’ happy fever an’ happy cain’t smell nuthin’ an’ happy bummed out. Thanks … Continue reading

Posted in Dude and Dude, health, humor | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments