Tag Archives: Surplus Humanity Service

AI: Final Frontier

When the door to his cell slammed open at 0610, ten minutes after the bell, Charles was dressed, in his beige robe, and ready. Outside the door, dressed in his usual imperious scowl, was Peter. He was alone. Charles fell … Continue reading

Posted in AI, Amoeba's Lorica, computers, creative writing, fiction, satire, We the People | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on AI: Final Frontier

AI: The Hero of the Hour

A work of fiction in the alternative-history mode. Alexander Fleming sat, or, rather, sprawled, on a chair in the second-floor room of his country cottage, the white face under its silver hair a talisman of misery. “The Dhoon” was on … Continue reading

Posted in AI, Amoeba's Lorica, fiction, history, science, We the People | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on AI: The Hero of the Hour

AI: Smokin’ In the Boys Room

A work of fiction. Standard disclaimers. Smokin’ in the boys’ room Smokin’ in the boys’ room Now, teacher, I am fully aware of the rules And everybody knows that smokin’ ain’t allowed in school! – Cub Koda & Michael Lutz, … Continue reading

Posted in Amoeba's Lorica, fiction, health, satire, We the People | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment