Category Archives: science

Amoeba’s Lorica: SETIback

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away … maybe. (No, not that galaxy.) Avaan Fundebinder strode purposefully onto the auditorium stage of the Galactic Center to Search for ExtraTelemanny Intelligence (GC-SETI), to a storm of applause from … Continue reading

Posted in Amoeba's Lorica, fiction, satire, science | Tagged , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Amoeba’s Lorica: Vox Populi, Vox Dei

The spending caps at the center of the debt limit agreement target federal programs such as education, scientific research …   – News item In the late afternoon of an early summer’s day in eastern Massachusetts, Chuck, aged 14, wandered along … Continue reading

Posted in Amoeba's Lorica, current events, ecology, fiction, science, We the People | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Amoeba’s Lorica: Vox Populi, Vox Dei

AI: The Hero of the Hour

A work of fiction in the alternative-history mode. Alexander Fleming sat, or, rather, sprawled, on a chair in the second-floor room of his country cottage, the white face under its silver hair a talisman of misery. “The Dhoon” was on … Continue reading

Posted in AI, Amoeba's Lorica, fiction, history, science, We the People | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on AI: The Hero of the Hour