Tag Archives: cell phones

Dude and Dude: Cellphone!

“Dude! There y’are, dammit! I’ve been textin’ ya fer like the last ten minutes! Why didn’t ya answer?” “No phone, dude.” “Again?!? Jeez, dude, can’t ya take care a nothin’? Where’d ya lose it this time?” “Didn’t lose it, dude. … Continue reading

Posted in Dude and Dude, humor, satire, TSA Jack | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

Dude and Dude: Programmed Cell Phone Death

“Dude! Jeez!” “What?” “I been textin’ ya fer half an hour! What for ya dissin’ me?” “I ain’t dissin’ ya, dude.” “Well then answer my texts, dude! Yer thumbs busted, ‘r somethin’?” “Ain’t the thumbs, dude.” “I’d say yer head, … Continue reading

Posted in Dude and Dude, humor, satire | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments