Dude and Dude: And It's Only October

“Du-UUUDE!! Are you nuts?!?

“Why do you ask, dude?”

Why do I ask, he says. The trade winds have died, dude. There’s not a breath of air anyplace. It’s flippin’ 90 degrees American. In the shade. Why in pluperfect hell are you wearing a fur coat, a fuzzy hat, and mittens?!?

“Well …”

“No way you’re well, dude. We gotta get you to a doc … And why are you carrying around that Chinese frying pan?!?

“I’m just doin’ what the song says, dude!”

What song?”

“They play it at the mall every ten minutes, dude. I can’t believe you missed it!”

“Just tell me already!”

Wokkin’ in a Winter Wonderland, dude. Sheesh.”

“Oh, I get it. A protest song. Very funny. Now will you stop dressing up as the Christmas Creep and get back into aloha wear before I have to drag you to the hospital?

  – O Ceallaigh
Copyright © 2009 Felloffatruck Publications. All wrongs deplored.
All opinions are mine as a private citizen.

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7 Responses to Dude and Dude: And It's Only October

  1. Doug says:

    Already? In heathenish California the carols haven’t started yet. Soon, though, I’m sure.

  2. Please tell me they’re not starting carols already?

    In our supermarket, the Santa chocolate’s out and a few other signs of the holidays, like jars of mince. We don’t get carols here until mid-December usually.

  3. gigihawaii says:

    hmmm. I was just in Kmart and Foodland yesterday and did not hear xmas music or see xmas goodies. Just the usual halloween stuff.

  4. Quilly says:

    The Costco in Hawaii Kai has the Christmas stuff out and one of the displays has Christmas music. I’ve not been to the mall lately. I think we’ll leave it that way until after Christmas.

  5. The Amoeba says:

    Doug, Susan, Glenda: the following appeared on ESPN’s “TMQ” page yesterday (I quote):

    “I was sitting at a McDonald’s in Honolulu, Hawaii, on September 28, and heard some nice Hawaiian music being played: ‘Santa Claus is Coming to Town.'”

    Which is about when some of the student help in training started playing Christmas music in the lab … and the community orchestra trotted out its Christmas standards for rehearsal …

  6. gigihawaii says:

    haha! sounds like that page was written by The Amoeba! Was it? After all, you play in a community orchestra.

    • Quilly says:

      Gigi — Sometimes Amoeba can be hard to follow. The 3rd paragraph was not part of the quote. It was Amoeba’s statement about his student-workers already playing Christmas music, and the fact that the band has started practicing for their Christmas Concerts. The quote was only the second paragraph.

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